Disasters and emergency situations can happen anytime and anywhere. When disaster strikes, you may not have much time to respond, so it is important that you and your family are prepared. A hurricane, winter storm, earthquake, flood, tornado or any other disaster could cut off utility services for days and lead to evacuations or confine your family to your home for days. It is extremely important to know and put in place, the ABC’s of Preparation and by taking the time to acquire or develop a family emergency plan, build a family emergency supply kit and create a grab and go box, you can help to keep your family safe and make a bad situation a little more tolerable.
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The Blog of Jennifer Truesdale | STR8N UP Professional Organizing Services
Planning Your Move So You Can Move as Planned→
/Moving is brutal. It just is. But it’s a fact of life, so you do your best to power through it. As a professional organizer, I offer unpacking services for new move-ins. I have seen many situations where the lack of packing correctly has resulted in more work and more chaos for the new homeowners. So hopefully I can offer a few simple words of advice for those about to embark in the moving process.
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