Spring Cleaning; 12 Areas Often Overlooked

When it comes to cleaning our living spaces, we all have our go-to tasks that make the checklist. However, in the midst of the regular vacuuming, dusting, and organizing, there are some areas that often go unnoticed - until they start to accumulate grime or clutter. From neglected corners to overlooked surfaces, it's time to shine a light on these forgotten spots that deserve some cleaning TLC. Here are a list of 12 items that often go unnoticed.

1. Vacuum cleaner- Taking apart the vacuum and cleaning internal parts and filters will help improve the life of the machine while also keeping the vacuum running at its max efficiency.

2. Air conditioner intakes – not only is it important to be sure to change out your air filters on a regular basis but wiping down the grills on the inside and outside will also reduce or slow down the buildup on the filters.

3. Fireplaces – as spring approaches and we stop using our fireplaces, it’s time to do a full clean out of the fireplace, even gas fireplaces build up filmy surfaces, especially on the inside of glass panes.

4. Walls and baseboards – walls and baseboards are constant magnets for dust particles, pet hair, and many other allergens. It’s important to wipe them down monthly to keep your rooms fresh and air quality cleaner.  A simple microfiber cloth attached to a Velcro floor mop is all you need.

5. Dryer vents – while we remember to remove the lint from our dryer filters, we don’t often think to remove the filter and do a deep dive with the vacuum attachment into the dryer to remove all the residual muck that gets past the filters.  These particles can build up in your vents and in some cases even cause fires. Cleaning beyond the filter can prolong the life of your machine and prevent any safety hazards from occurring.

6. Behind Refrigerator and Ranges- if you can pull them out and do a full cleaning of the backside of appliances especially where there are cooling fins or coils or crevices that can build up grime and dust. There are also very thin microfiber brooms made just for getting under tight spaces.

7. Refresh curtains- Curtains while they might just hang out and look pretty tend to let all sorts of allergens attach and hang onto them. It’s good to take them down annually and give them a clean refresh; not only will they get a renewed fresh smell, but they might even look brighter if there was an accumulation of dirt/dust.

8. Descale the inside of coffee pot reservoirs – a good thorough descaling of your coffee pot every 6 months can keep bacteria from building up in the water reservoir and will make your coffee taste better while keeping you healthier.

9. Pullout silverware trays – It's good to take out the silverware trays in your drawers and remove all utensils to really wash and clean out your storage trays. This is one of the most used items in your kitchen as fingers are in and out of it all day long. The highest risk of germ transfer occurs here in my opinion, so an occasional full-on cleaning is often necessary.

10. Inside the dishwasher – a good cleaning inside the dishwasher will unclog any clogged drain holes and clean out any bacterial buildups at the base of your machine optimizing machine performance and giving you a better clean. Youtube can be your best friend for watching the best ways to clean your particular make/model.

11. Inside the washing machine – it's good to clean inside your cleaning machines with power tablets to allow for buildup that forms on the drum surface beyond the drain holes and keep mold growth at bay. It’s also important to open and drain the line and clean the filter for maintaining efficient drainage.

12. Pull down light fixture covers – a good annual cleaning of the inside of light fixture covers will not only help keep the light in your rooms brighter but also you will find that small bugs tend to accumulate there as they are drawn to the light and the heat.  

#springcleaning #cleaning #forgottenspaces #grimefighting #housecleaning

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